Chris Sherraden and Hector Ortiz have positive attitude and contagious enthusiasm in spades.

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances.  This philosophy is how Chris Sherraden approaches the start of each day. His attitude and dedication to making sure his crew felt like they were an essential part of the team are what earned him a Kenny Electric Blue Chip Award.  Getting a Blue Chip, it’s a high honor. Individuals recognized by their peers have not only embraced our Core Values of Trust, Integrity, Quality, Family, and Community, but their behavior has made a difference to others.

Duane Lowe nominated Chris because of his approach to the Latham project.  His dedication toward ensuring safety, driving efficiencies, and sharing his knowledge with the crew on how to use the right tool for the job inspired great synergy and teamwork. His positive outlook set the tone by which others followed, always arriving at work in high spirits ready to pitch in and eager to assist with getting the job done.  Congratulations, Chris – your positive soul has rubbed off on us all.

Contagious enthusiasm is a tool that not everyone has, however, Hector Ortiz wields it with perfection.  He started work on the Latham project as a temporary-hire, but it didn’t take long to recognize the value his attitude brought to the job.  Duane Lowe nominated Hector for a Kenny Electric Blue Chip Award not only because he always arrived early, eager to start the day, but because he took up the charge to lead others by example.

Getting a Blue Chip, it’s a high honor. Individuals from both inside and outside the organization are recognized by their peers as showing exemplary behavior by living our Core Values of Trust, Integrity, Quality, Family, and Community.  Their approach makes a difference to others.  Duane noted the way Hector stood behind his crew and took great pride in their workmanship. He demonstrated his willingness and flexibility to pitch in when help was needed – regardless of the task.

He stayed focused on the assignment without sacrificing safety.  For these reasons, and many more, he deserves our praise.  Also, join in welcoming him as one of our newest full-time members in the Kenny Electric family.


  • February 13, 2020

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